Your World, Protected. Making sure your insurance is ready for 2019.

By: Denise Koslowsky

No one really likes to think about insurance.  Insurance is a necessity that you take care of and don’t give a second thought until some type of unexpected disaster occurs.  Unfortunately, waiting to update your insurance broker could leave your insurance lacking when you need it most.

Keep in mind, the more your insurance agent knows, the better they can serve you.
We take customer service very seriously and strive to provide the best possible coverage for our clients.  We want to know about changes in your life; even if the changes seem minor to you, they can have an effect on your insurance portfolio.

In an effort to make sure that your world is protected and that your insurance is ready for the year ahead, we’ve decided to share a few of our favorite things.

If any of the following has happened or will happen in the near future, we want to hear about it!

  • Have you done or are you planning to do any home renovations?
  • If you are renovating, will you move out of the house during the process?
  • Did you buy a house that you are not planning on living in right away?
  • Did you purchase a car?
  • Do you have a new driver in the house?
  • Did a child bring a car to college?
  • Did a relative or nanny recently move in with you?
  • Did you buy a boat?
  • Have you purchased any expensive jewelry?
  • Did your property value increase or decrease dramatically?
  • Did you add a Central Station Fire/Burglar Alarm?
  • Did you add a Whole House Water Leak Detection System?
  • Did your business grow, expand or add a new location?
  • Did you hire any new employees?

On behalf of the entire staff at Advocate Brokerage,
We hope you enjoy a very Happy & Healthy 2019!

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