No one really likes to think about insurance. Insurance is a necessity that you take care of and don’t give a second thought until some type of unexpected disaster occurs. Unfortunately, waiting to update your insurance broker could leave your insurance lacking when you need it most. Keep in mind, the more your insurance agent knows, the better they can...
Read More2018-12-19
By: Denise Koslowsky
Fall is here and so are the beautifully colored leaves! It is one of our favorite seasons here at Advocate Brokerage (isn’t it everyone’s favorite?) and we want to be sure you and your family are safe as you hit the road to take it all in. Leaves Fall foliage is one of the perks of the season for those...
Read More2018-10-17
By: Denise Koslowsky
Some people just really love cars. Owners of collector cars may spend hours searching for a new vehicle to add to their collection or sacrifice time to find all the elements they need to restore that perfect automobile. The classic car enthusiast is as passionate about the cars they love as we are about perfecting their insurance coverage. What Makes...
Read More2018-09-24
By: Denise Koslowsky
Each year USA Today publishes a list of the most expensive cars to insure and each year we like to share it with our clients. This year we thought we would add a bit of insight as to how the cost of an insurance policy is determined. Determining the cost of insurance has many factors. There are several items that...
Read More2018-09-12
By: Denise Koslowsky
We’ve all seen images of vehicles submerged, reminders of the storm surges and flash flooding a hurricane can leave behind. For those who find themselves in the path of Hurricane Florence, we’d like to offer some preventative tips should you have to evacuate and leave your car behind. What to do now, before the storm hits: Fill your gas tank...
Read More2018-09-06
By: Denise Koslowsky
Auto insurance is something that almost everyone needs which makes the insurance marketplace incredibly competitive. With an extensive list of insurance carriers looking to capture your attention, offering safe driving bonuses and savings of 15%, it is understandable that people shop for auto insurance by comparing price. Understanding the many details within a policy then becomes a lower priority. Consequently,...
Read More2018-05-22
By: Denise Koslowsky
When a Tree Falls, am I covered? With each major storm, this question comes. It is one of the most frequent questions we receive at Advocate Brokerage, so we thought we would take some time to share all the important information you need to know about fallen trees and how they affect your insurance. Am I Covered? Let’s start...
Read More2018-04-09
By: Denise Koslowsky
In an effort to continue to educate each client we serve, we thought it was important to remind everyone about the rules in NY State when it comes to adding or removing a car from your insurance. Removing a Car from your Policy It is important to...
Read More2017-12-21
By: Denise Koslowsky
Another year is coming to an end and as your thoughts shift toward celebrating the holidays, winding down the year and making plans for 2018 to be a year filled with success, we wanted to share this… The more your insurance agent knows about their clients, the better they can serve you. At Advocate Brokerage it is important for us...
Read More2017-12-14
By: Denise Koslowsky
In a world where you hear at least once a day how you can save up to 15% on your car insurance, you may find yourself wondering… Are my auto insurance premiums too high? The cost of personal auto insurance is on the rise industry wide and we know there are many who are concerned about the costs. In this...
Read More2017-10-27
By: Denise Koslowsky