Happy Safe Halloween!
By: Denise Koslowsky
Halloween is Saturday and with pleasant weather in the forecast however, since it is 2020, we can bet that the night will certainly bring with it a few tricks! We want your family to have a happy and safe Halloween so we’ve compiled some thoughts on things you can do to set yourself up for a night filled with plenty of treats.
As with everything else in 2020, Halloween is bound to be impacted by the corona virus pandemic. Taking a few extra precautions is strongly recommended to ensure the safety of both your family as well as your neighbors. Advocate Tips for a Safe and Healthy Halloween Include:
- If you are handing out candy consider some creative ways to deliver the treats! Some ideas include:
- Create a candy shoot or a candy slide! The internet is filled with all kinds of ideas so head to google and get creative!
- Use a plastic claw or robot hand to help you hand out candy!
- Set up a table at the end of the drive way to distribute the treats so kids don’t come to your door.
- Pre-package some grab-and-go bags on a table at least 6 feet from your front door and allow kids to help themselves.
- If your neighborhood has a particularly high number of COVID cases, consider alternatives to trick or treating. Some ideas include:
- Have a family movie night with plenty of candy and spooky movies!
- Have a pumpkin decorating contest.
- Host a virtual costume contest.
- If you or anyone in your family are not feeling 100%, be considerate and skip trick-or-treating this year. If you make the decision to forgo the festivities, consider putting a sign on your yard to let everyone know that due to Covid 19 you will not be participating!
- Of course there are the common sense precautions which include:
- After any trick-or-treat related activity, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.
- Wear a mask. You can try to incorporate them into your child’s costume!
- Trick-or-treat with members of your own pod instead of with groups of friends.
- Don’t take candy offered by hand and don’t share candy from a friend’s bag.
- Don’t go inside anyone’s home, even if they are neighbors that you know well.
- Inspect all candy and don’t indulge in anything that is unwrapped.
- Maintain social distancing and if you arrive at a home that has a lot of children gathered outside, wait until after the crowd clears out before approaching.
Although this year may be different than in years past, it makes sense to protect your home from common Halloween risks. We are talking about damage from vandalism and the liability risks that could result when people visit your home.
Most standard homeowner’s insurance policies do cover damages resulting from vandalism, over and above your deductible. To prevent vandalism you should leave your lights on unless you have motion sensitive lights installed, as a well-lit home tends to deter would-be vandals.
When it comes to liability risks, your homeowner’s insurance policy does offer you some level of protection. Slips, falls, dog bites and other liability risks that occur from neighborhood children trick-or-treating at your home would likely be covered. To prevent your risk of a liability issue you could:
- Be sure all paths to your door are clear, that there are no major uneven areas to help prevent the risk of someone tripping as they approach your door.
- Inspect your stairs, railings and banisters for wear and make any necessary repairs.
- If any vandalism occurs such as smashed pumpkins or eggs being thrown at your home, clean up the mess as soon as you can to prevent slips and falls.
- Keep the family dog away from the action.
As your insurance Advocate, we want to keep you informed of all insurance risks you may face. Take advantage of these tips to make sure that your Halloween is a fun and safe night. As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.