By: Denise Koslowsky
“I had to do something”
I think we can all remember where we were and what we were doing on 9/11/2001. That tragic day in our not so distant past when 2 planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and the country watched in stunned silence. I know for me it was kind of a call to action. Watching on TV as these terrible things were taking place before my eyes, I remember feeling helpless. I don’t know about you but helpless is not a comfortable feeling and I made the decision then that I didn’t want to feel helpless anymore. I wanted to help and while there was no way I could be one of the firefighters rushing into the building, I could certainly help fill in at home for those who could. So I got training and in 2002 I joined Scarsdale Volunteer Fire Company #3. I have given my time faithfully for the past 13 years and am now serving as the President of the company. It’s important, doing what I can. Giving back to my community and I’m proud to serve. While I could never say I’m glad that the events of September 11th, 2001 took place, I am glad that I took action. I’m glad I took my feelings of helplessness and turned them around to help make my community a better place to live.
Have tragic events like 9/11 ever inspired you into action? Please leave a comment below or stop by our FB page and comment. We’d love to hear from you.
~Glenn Binday