Creating A Smarter Home: Today’s technology just may be your new best friend

By: Denise Koslowsky

Creating a smarter home means creating a safer home; Educating each client we serve means sharing information about the technology available to help limit the risks of damage to your home. We hope you find some of the information shared below valuable.

Central Station Fire & Burglar Alarms
When we discuss fire prevention, the single most important piece of advice we give is that all homes should be protected by a central station fire & burglar alarm system. You simply cannot risk waiting until a neighbor notices that your home is on fire for the police and fire department to be alerted. We recommend that every home have a Central Station Fire and Burglar Alarm. While this is a great start, it really doesn’t begin to scratch the surface of the technology available to make your home as safe as it can be.

Technology For The Win
Today’s technology may be your new best friend when it comes to mitigating risks and keep your home and family safe. Below is a brief overview of the types of technology available.

Technology That Monitors
o Smartphones – Since you are already taking your phone with you everywhere, why not take advantage of the technology readily available at your fingertips. You can have your smartphone send you text & video alerts for a variety of happenings at your home so that you are always aware and can take the necessary steps to prevent damage before it gets out of hand.
o Video Monitoring – There have been amazing advances in video monitoring technology. RING for example is a great feature with cameras that can tell you who is at your front door as well as cameras that allow you to see inside your home.
o Heat Detectors – Alert you when your home has hit a certain pre-set temperature or when the rate of temperature is rising too quickly.
o Water Flow – Water flow technology can send text alerts to let you know if you have experienced a leak. So if you ran your washing machine before you left for work and the hose begins to leak, you’ll know right away! Some systems even have automatic shut off valves that turn the water off as soon as a leak is detected.
93% of Water Damage Can Be Prevented Utilizing Smart Technology.

Tech That Gives You Access
o Temperature Control Technology – will allow you to adjust your heat or air conditioning remotely.
o Lighting Technology – gives you access to turn either interior or exterior lights on remotely from anywhere.
o Door Lock Technology – forget to lock your door before you left home? No problem, you can now take care of that with the push of a button.
Insurance Incentives Are Available
The best part is that there are sometimes incentives available from your insurance company when you have smart technology installed in your home. Get in touch with us to find out more information about what may be available.

Final Piece of Advice from Advocate
Be sure to let your insurance agent know as soon as you install
or update your home’s alarm system, water flow system or any of
the other technologies mentioned above. You must provide proof of
installation, such as an invoice from the installer, in order to receive
the credit.

Our entire reason to exist is make sure our clients have the best possible insurance available for their particular needs. We feel that educating each client we serve is of the utmost importance and so we continually focus on sharing valuable information with our community while continually educating our team regarding products, services & trends.

We encourage you to check out some of the technology available by spending some time at some exploring these resources:
• Simplisafe
• Leak Defense System
• Water Security Solutions

If you have any questions regarding the technology contained in this blog, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. We would love to speak with you. Call 914-723-7100 and we will be sure to connect you with the appropriate person.

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