By: Denise Koslowsky
Each year thousands of Americans take the time to look at their lives and try to identify things they would like to do differently as we pass from one year into the next. In fact, according to Statistic Brain, 62% of us make New Years Resolutions.
What Resolutions are the most common
So what are we resolving to accomplish? Let’s take a look at the top 5 resolutions for 2014. They were:
You may find yourself wondering what an insurance company has to do with your New Year’s Resolution list. Well, while we won’t be able to help you lose weight or to stay fit & healthy, we do think we have some things to offer to help with the other 3.
Over the next few weeks (for all of January) the Advocate Brokerage blog posts will focus on helping our customers get closer to achieving their goals related to organization, spending less and enjoying more.
Curious? You’ll just have to check back in with us next week to find out more!
Want some extra support? Share your resolutions with us! Do any of yours line up with the top 5 listed above? We’d love to hear from you! Be sure to use the hashtag #Iresolve