Summer Driving: Stay Safe on the Roads

By: Denise Koslowsky

Summer is on its way and much like you, we can’t wait!

Beautiful weather is on the horizon (hopefully), vacations are planned and spending down time with family and friends all lie before us.  With all the celebrations and summer holidays, one thing we want everyone who will be spending time on the roadways this summer to be aware of is this:

Summer is peak time for traffic fatalities.

According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration the big summer holidays mean an increase in traffic related fatalities by as much as 4 times over a regular weekend!

Summer Driving Safety

One factor is that there are simply more cars on the road on peak holidays.  Another one is that with all the celebrations happening, people tend to have a drink and then think nothing of getting behind the wheel of a car!  That is dangerous because according to the CDC, drinking as little as 2 drinks can have affects on your driving.  Alcohol impairs your visual functions so your ability to track moving targets slows down.  It also lowers your ability to perform two tasks at once so it becomes challenging to divide your attention as needed when driving.

Advocate encourages ALL drivers to keep in mind:

  • Driving after you have had a drink simply is not worth the risk.
  • If you plan on drinking arrange for other transportation, designate a driver, call a cab or take advantage of services like UBER. There really is NO reason for you to drive after you have had a drink.
  • Don’t let your friends or family members drive after drinking.
  • If you are hosting a party in your home and serving alcohol, don’t allow your guests to drive impaired.  Also, don’t serve alcohol to minors, you could be held liable if they are involved in an accident.
  • Drinking can lead to bad decision making which can spiral out of control.
  • Talking to your teens often about the risks and consequences of drinking and driving is important!  If you have teenagers home for the summer, it might be a good time to review your expectations.  We’ve put together a great resource on teen driving that includes a Teen Save Driving Agreement.  We encourage you to check it out!

Given the risks of drinking and driving, it just doesn’t make sense to get behind the wheel, even if you have only had a drink or two. Keep in mind that one bad decision, one poor choice, can have affects that are more far reaching than you can even imagine!  So enjoy your summer but please, don’t drink and drive.  Your friends at Advocate Brokerage want you to Stay Safe!

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