Easy Ways To Reduce Home Insurance Claims This Spring

  The start of a new season is the perfect time to get your home in shape for summer. But this means more than wiping down the walls and opening the pool. Keep reading for a few smart ways to prevent homeowner insurance claims as you prepare for the sunny season. Inspect the laundry room. Roughly 3 in 10 homeowners...

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By: Advocate Brokerage

All About Personal Insurance

Insurance is something we all need in our personal lives for everything from our homes and cars to jewelry and art collections or grown-up “toys.” These types of policies keep our assets from becoming liabilities. Today, we’ll discuss some of the most important personal insurance products that you should have. Homeowners Homeowners insurance financially protects us from claims that arise...

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By: Advocate Brokerage

The Family Business: A Succession Of A Legacy

There are few things more satisfying than passing on your family legacy to your children or grandchildren. However, it is not as straightforward a process as it may seem. There are benefits, of course, but there are challenges in the succession process as well. Benefits Of Passing The Torch As a business owner, the company that you’ve built, likely from...

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By: Advocate Brokerage

Reduce Water Damage Claims On Your Home With Technology

Water leaks happen, and they can cause massive amounts of damage to your home. And while you can’t always predict when a pipe will burst or a water line separate from an appliance, there are steps you can take to keep your home safe. Automatic water shut-off valves An automatic water shut-off valve is a leak detection system that can...

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By: Advocate Brokerage

Insurance Risks For Business Big And Small

As a business owner, you accept that you take risks every day. But taking risks does not have to leave you completely vulnerable. Advocate Brokerage can help you determine the right types of coverage to offset the biggest hazards in your industry. But first, it’s important to understand the types of risks businesses face. Risk Categories There are four categories...

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By: Advocate Brokerage

How To Save On Your Homeowner Insurance

The insurance marketplace is changing, and rates are rising. Today, we share tips on how to save on home and property insurance. Increase your deductible. Ask your insurance Advocate about increasing your deductible to save on your monthly premiums. By taking on a slightly higher risk, you may be able to reduce your recurrent expenses. Maintain and secure your home....

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By: Advocate Brokerage

What You Need To Know About Hosting Holiday Parties From An Insurance Perspective

The holidays are upon us, and that means we’ll have more people coming in and out of our homes. It also means we’re likely consuming and sharing more alcohol in the spirit of the season. But, as a host, you should know that you can be held liable for your guests’ actions during and after the event. What Are My...

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By: Advocate Brokerage

Protect Your Winter Wonderland With These Simple Steps

There is a chill in the air and Jack Frost is knocking at the door. That means it’s time to take the holiday decorations down from the attic and prepare for the festivities of the season. But more than that, now’s also the time to take steps to get your home ready for the winter. Get started with today’s tip....

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By: Advocate Brokerage

Plan For Your Business’s Insurance Needs For The New Year Now

As a business owner, you have many risks and liabilities. And that makes insurance a crucial part of your overall operation. But insurance is not a “set it and forget it” action. Instead, it’s a component of your business that deserves your attention at the start of each year. Identify Risk And Liabilities As you prepare for the new year,...

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By: Advocate Brokerage

A Time To Be Grateful

Thanksgiving is about the cherished values of family, gathering, and expressing gratitude for the blessings we've received throughout the year. In this week's blog, we believe it's fitting to provide a platform for a few members of Team Advocate to share their heartfelt sentiments of thankfulness for the past year. Denise Koslowsky – Principal, Personal Insurance I am thankful for...

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By: Advocate Brokerage

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